IWS Cleaner

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Maximize your vehicle's engine performance.

If you want to keep your engine and fuel lines running smoothly for years to come, then yes, the importance of fuel additives cannot be underestimated. Again, preventive maintenance applies to any vehicle, and making sure your fuel is available as needed will help keep your vehicle moving. The additional lubrication and cleaning qualities help your engine avoid high friction and wear. A clean engine has less difficulty starting the engine. Premium gasoline is not exempt from preventive maintenance requirements.

In gasoline it becomes kinetic energy to move the car forward. As much as 72% of this inefficiency occurs in the machine. Any improvements here can improve the effectiveness of our fuel system and help us maximize fuel usage. 12-30% chemical energy

For older cars: Additives may be especially beneficial for older vehicles because they are made for different types of fuel and have different needs than modern cars. Older valve seats, high compression engines, and older parts may require additional material to keep them moving as they should.

For seasonal items: Lawnmower fuel will deteriorate if not used during the winter. Stabilizer can keep it fresh. Stabilizers will also help boats that only see water during the summer. Depending on the fuel you use, a stabilizer may be necessary here, as ethanol fuel can react strongly to water exposure.

For diesel vehicles: Diesel is a completely different game due to differences in engine construction and fuel composition. Stabilizers, antifreeze and the addition of anti-gelling can all be of great benefit to diesel vehicles. A truck that won't start can endanger shipments or the truck itself, halting production and causing delays or expensive repairs. Drivers can keep it running well and prevent these problems with additional materials.

Boost Your Power

Size: 10x15 Cm
Material 100% Original IWS